CEOS Mini-Symposium 2: Machine learning in cultural economics, presented by Andres Karjus, Matias Muñoz Hernandez, and Gabriél Borges Vaz de Melo
The mini-symposium will take place live on Tuesday, 21 January 2025 at 2 pm GMT (London time) at the following zoom link.
Meeting ID: 815 6906 6596
Passcode: 422449
Abstract: The advent of ChatGPT and large language models has recently brought to the fore developments in the artificial intelligence methodologies in machine learning and data science. David Donoho speaks about data science at the singularity, where progress is dramatically more rapid than previously and a transition to frictionless reproducibility is taking place. This transition markedly changes the rate of spread of ideas and practices, affects mindsets, and erases memories of much that came before. It is clear that methodologies of machine learning and data science with their computer science aspects are about to mark the upcoming period in human history as well as science in general.
In our mini-symposium we aim to present and discuss some of the most interesting present applications of such methods in cultural economics and related fields.
Featured presentations:
Andres Karjus: Quantifying the global film festival circuit – networks, diversity, and national representation
Matias Muñoz Hernandez: The Trade Between Us: Barriers and Predictors for Exports of Cultural Goods from Chile
Gabriél Borges Vaz de Melo (co-authored with Ana Flavía Machado and Lucas Resende de Carvalho): Music consumption in Brazil: an analysis of streaming reproductions
The mini-symposium will be moderated by Andrej Srakar.
The Cultural Economics Online Seminar (CEOS) series provides a forum to bring members of the ACEI community together to learn about the latest research taking place in the field. CEOS connects researchers worldwide to share their work in cultural economics and related areas.
The series features the latest research from emerging through to well established scholars from around the globe. Presentations showcase a wide variety of research within cultural economics broadly defined in terms of both topic and method.
Each seminar is conceived as a conversation between two (or more) keynote speakers on a current key issue, and corresponding methodological approaches, in cultural economics, in dialogue with other related disciplines (spanning management, political sciences, law, sociology, statistics, philosophy, arts, computer science, engineering, etc.), as well as practice.
Seminars take place live on the second Tuesday of the month, usually at 3 to 4 pm (1 hour, London time) – hours might vary depending on speakers’ time zones – throughout most of the year. Check here for the time in your region.
If you are interested to present as part of the series please contact CEOS lead organiser Elisabetta Lazzaro outlining the details of your proposed presentation.
The CEOS Organisational Committee consists of:
CEOS Coordinator:
CEOS Collaborator:
Special Session Coordinator:
Current members of the Advisory Committee are:
Recordings of former seminars are available to view through the CEOS YouTube Channel.
Seminar 30: On the role of “tactile value” in cultural consumption: an empirical research in the live music industry (presented by Francesco Angelini)
CEOS Mini-Symposium 1: Causal inference in cultural economics (presented by Matthias Sahli, David Throsby and Andrea Baldin)
Seminar 29: Anchoring effects in the Chinese art market (presented by Jun Huang)
Seminar 28 (Pommerehne Prize): Empirical evidence of anchoring and loss aversion from art auctions (presented by Jianping Mei)
Seminar 27 (Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize): Experimental evidence on consumer preferences for music concert ticket bundles (presented by Dylan Thompson)
Seminar 26: Health Insurance Access and the Career Choices of College Graduates with Majors in the Arts: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s Dependent Coverage Expansion (presented by Richard Paulsen)
Seminar 25 (ACEI Presidents’ Prize): Can culture (music consumption) stabilize well-being during socio-economic shocks? (presented by Marco Palomeque)
Seminar 24: Baumol’s disease, brows, public funding, and artistic output: Past, present (and possible futures) (presented by Michela Giorcelli, Petra Moser, Fortunato Ortombina and Andrea Erri)
Seminar 23: Professional challenges of being an artist (presented by Hans Abbing, Andrea Baldin and Trine Bille)
Seminar 22: Social values in cultural entrepreneurship: Theory & practice (presented by Alex Yu-Yu Chang, Jason Potts, Juanie Walker, Heet Ghodasara and Mrunmayee Mohan)
Seminar 21: Lockdown and cultural consumption in the UK: Comparing data and methodological approaches (presented by Salvatore Di Novo, Giorgio Fazio, Tal Feder and Dave O’Brien)
Seminar 20: Violence, hate and local cultural participation (presented by Luisa Iachan, Paul Heritage, Daria Denti and Alessandro Crociata)
Seminar 19: Voting and song contests: Economics, law, history and practice (presented by Juan D. Moreno-Ternero and Dean Vuletic)
Seminar 18: International trade of music and cultural relations (presented by Yuki Takara and Guy Morrow)
Seminar 17: Artists’ labour markets and social protection (presented by Frederic De Wispelaere, Marco Rocca and Joanna Woronkowicz)
Seminar 16: Creative industries ecosystems in the Global South: Digitisation, innovation, and value chains (presented by Jen Snowball and Sabine Ichikawa)
Seminar 15: The art of crowdfunding arts and innovation: The cultural economic perspective (presented by Christian Handke and Carolina Dalla Chiesa)
Seminar 14: Four short presentations featuring up-and-coming young researchers. Presentation 1: Is beauty defined by victors? An analysis of colonial sites of the UNESCO WHL, presented by Martina Dattilo. Presentation 2: Digital Art History: What can Auction Sales Data Tell Us About Collectors’ Preferences with Contemporary Art?, presented by Mike Bowman. Presentation 3: Intermediary Liability and Trade in Follow-on Innovation, presented by Matthias Sahli. Presentation 4: Incentivising ‘pirates’ to pay – An experiment with comic book readers, presented by Satia Rożynek
Seminar 13: Some economics of movie exhibition: increasing returns and Imax revenue premium (presented by Pascal Courty)
Seminar 12: Student loan debt and the career choices of college graduates with majors in the arts (presented by Richard Paulsen)
Seminar 11: Women artists: Gender, ethnicity, origin and contemporary prices (presented by Stephen Sheppard)
Seminar 10: Cultural festivals in an era of the COVID19: New Research Agendas and Data Sources (Panel chair: Jen Snowball, with Panellists: Ian Woodward, Roberta Comunian and Delon Tarentaal)
Seminar 9: Street performers and payments in the online world (presented by Meg Elkins and Tim Fry, with discussants Karol Jan Borowiecki and Paul Watt)
Seminar 8: Do museums foster innovation through engagement with the cultural and creative industries? (presented by Chiara Dalle Nogare and Monika Murzyn)
Seminar 7: Music, networks and technology in urban outskirts: Technological impacts on rap production at south of São Paulo (presented by Rodrigo Cavalcante Michel)
Seminar 6: Estimating losses in cultural assets and cultural activities following the Fundão Dam rupture in Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil (presented by Nina Faria)
Seminar 5: On the road again: Live music in the digital age (presented by Christian Peukert)
Seminar 4: Ex-post econometric verification of the economic effects of the Venice carnival (presented by Andrej Srakar)
Seminar 3: Labour market and gender: Evidence from German visual artists (presented by Maria Marchenko and Hendrik Sonnabend)
Seminar: How did the art auction market react to Australian ‘Black art scandals’? (presented by Tim Fry)
Seminar 1: International perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 (presented by David Throsby, Jen Snowball and Enrico Bertacchini)