Conferences and Workshops

Upcoming Conference

The 23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics will be hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam from June 24 to 27, 2025.

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Upcoming Workshops

In 2026 the ACEI will host the following regional workshops:

12th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics
8th Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics
8th North American Workshop on Cultural Economics
5th Iberoamerican Seminar on Cultural Economics

Be sure to sign up for the ACEI newsletter using the link below for more details on these events as they are announced.

Registering Interest to Host a Conference or

Regional Workshop

The International Conference on Cultural Economics is currently held every two years with regional workshops running in-between conference years. In the year between the main international conference, the Association sponsors regional workshops. These workshops are currently held in South America, North America, Europe and Asia. 

If you are interested in organising a forthcoming conference or regional workshop please contact the current ACEI Treasurer-Secretary Paul Crosby for further information It is also encouraged that potential hosts flag their interest in hosting with the current President of the Association.

Prizes Awarded at the Conference

The following prizes are awarded at the biennale conference.

The Presidents’ Prize

 Award for the best paper by a young scholar at the ACEI biennial conference.

Prize: USD 1,000 plus publication in the Journal of Cultural Economics, with special mention upon publication of being the Prize winner.

Eligibility criteria: At least one of the co-authors on the paper is a young scholar. This applies to all graduate students plus early career scholars who are within early stages of their career after recently completing their Doctorate.

Selection process: The Presidents’ Prize is determined by the more recent Past President, the current Present and the future President or President-elect of the ACEI. The 3 Presidents will meet with one or both of the co-editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics to select the winner.


Marco Palomeque & Juan de Lucio (Universidad de Alcalá UAH) "Can culture (music consumption) stabilize well-being during socio-economic shocks?"


Abby LeBlanc & Stephen Sheppard (Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts) “Women artists”


Anne-Sophie Radermecker. Vol. 43, no. 3, September 2019 “Artworks without names: an insight into the market for anonymous paintings”


Noemi Berlin (University of Edinburgh), Anna Bernard (University of Paris-I), & Guillaume Furst (University of Geneva) “Time spent on new songs: Word-of-mouth and price effects on teenager consumption”


“Clustering does not always benefit the artistic output: New evidence for classical composers,” Karol Jan Borowiecki (Trinity College, Dublin)


Jonathan Beck (Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin, Humboldt University “The sales effect of word of mouth: A model for creative goods and estimates for novels”


Veronique Chossat (University of Rheims) & Olivier Gergaud (University of Rheims and University of Paris-I) "Expert Opinion and Gastronomy: The Recipe for Success"


Xavier Castañer (University of Minnesota) & Lorenzo Campos (iSOCO, Spain) "The determinants of artistic innovation: Bringing in the role of organizations"

The Pommerehne Prize

Award for the best paper of the past two years (i.e., between the two biennial conferences) in the Journal of Cultural Economics.

Prize: USD 1,000 plus special mention of being the Prize winner.

Eligibility criteria: All papers published in the Journal of Cultural Economics over the period since the last conference at which the previous Pommerehne Prize was awarded Prize will be automatically eligible for consideration.

Selection process: The Journal of Cultural Economics Co-editors will recommend the Pommerehne Prize winner to the Executive Board of the ACEI for the Board to ratify. In the case where the co-editors are unable to make a clear recommendation, a shortlist of candidates will be provided to the Executive Board. The Board members will be expected to read the papers and vote to determine the prize winner.


Kathryn Graddy (Brandeis University), Lara Loewenstein (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland), Jianping Mei (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business), Mike Moses (Beautiful Asset Advisors LLC) & Rachel A. J. Pownall (Maastricht University) "Empirical evidence of anchoring and loss aversion from art auctions"


Joel Waldfogel (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota) “Dining out as cultural trade’


Daniel Wheatley (University of Birmingham) & Craig Bickerton (Nottingham Trent University) "Measuring changes in subjective well-being from engagement in the arts, culture and sport"


Luc Champarnaud. Vol. 38, no. 4, November “Prices for superstars can flatten out”



Marc Bourreau, Michel Gensollen, Francois Moreau, & Patrick Waelbroeck. Vol. 37, no. 3, August 2013 “Selling less of more? The impact of digitization on record companies”


Chanont Banternghansa & Kathryn Graddy. Vol. 35, no. 2, May 2011 "The impact of the Droit de Suite in the UK: An empirical analysis"


Darlene C. Chisholm, Margaret S. McMillan, & George Norman. Vol. 34, no. 2, May 20122010 "Product differentiation and film-programming choice: Do first-run movie theatres show the same films?"


Morris Holbrook & Michela Addis. Vol. 32, no. 2, June 2008 “Art versus commerce in the movie industry: A two-path model of motion picture success”


S. Abraham Ravid, John K. Wald, & Suman Basuroy. Vol. 30, no. 3, December 2006 “Distributors and film critics: Does it take two to tango?”


Jaap Boter, Jan Rouwendal, & Michel Wedel, Vol. 29, no. 1, February 2005 "Employing travel time to compare the value of competing cultural organizations"

Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize

Awarded to the best full paper submitted to the Young Researcher Workshop.

Prize: USD 500 and special mention during the ACEI Conference General Assembly meeting and on the ACEI website. Furthermore, the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly decide whether the winning paper enters the reviewing process for publication in that journal.

Eligibility criteria: Papers accepted for the ACEI Young Researchers Workshop (YRW) are eligible for this best paper award. The criteria correspond to the Aims & Scope of the Journal of Cultural Economics. The facilitator of the YRW and the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly determine the winner of the Víctor Fernandez Blanco Prize.

The decision is made in a closed meeting after the YRW has taken place and before the ACEI General Assembly. The winner is determined via a majority vote, with the YRW facilitator and the journal editors each casting one vote. In case of a voting tie or any other problem for this committee to nominate a winner, they may involve the current ACEI President and President-elect to also cast a vote on a shortlist of eligible papers.


Dylan Thompson (Macquarie Univeristy) "Experimental evidence on consumer preferences for music concert ticket bundles"


Alexander Cuntz (World Intellectual Property Organization) and Matthias Sahli (World Intellectual Property Organization) "Intermediary liability and trade in follow-on innovation"

Past Workshops

European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics (EWACE)

  • 1st EWACE
  • University of Bologna
  • San Leo, Italy
  • 2nd EWACE
  • University of Oviedo
  • Avilés, Spain
  • 3rd EWACE
  • University of Catania
  • Catania, Italy
  • 4th EWACE
  • Adnan Menderes University Aydin
  • Aydin, Turkey
  • 5th EWACE
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • 6th EWACE
  • University of Ljubljana
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 7th EWACE
  • Austrian Institute of Economic Research
  • Vienna, Austria
  • 8th EWACE
  • Krakow University of Economics
  • Krakow, Poland
  • 9th EWACE
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 10th EWACE
  • University of Turin
  • Turin, Italy
  • 11th EWACE
  • University of Valladolid
  • Segovia, Spain

North American Workshop on Cultural Economics (NAWCE)

  • 1st NAWCE
  • Brandeis University, University of Quebec at Montreal and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • Washington DC, USA
  • 2nd NAWCE
  • Brandeis University, University of Quebec at Montreal and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • Tampa, Florida, USA
  • 3rd NAWCE
  • Brandeis University, University of Quebec at Montreal and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
  • 4th NAWCE
  • University of Quebec at Montreal and CIRANO (Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations)
  • Montreal, Canada
  • 5th NAWCE
  • University of Quebec at Montreal and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
  • 6th NAWCE
  • Florida Gulf Coast University and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
  • 7th NAWCE
  • Florida Gulf Coast University and Southern Economic Association (SAE)
  • Washington DC, USA

Asian Workshop on Cultural Economics (ASWCE)

  • 1st ASWCE
  • Japan Association of Cultural Economics (JACE) and Doshisha University
  • Kyoto, Japan
  • 2nd ASWCE
  • Japan Association of Cultural Economics (JACE)
  • Takamatsu City and Naoshima Island , Japan
  • 3rd ASWCE
  • JACE and Doshisha University
  • Kyoto, Japan
  • 4th ASWCE
  • JACE and Doshisha University
  • Kyoto, Japan
  • 5th ASWCE
  • RMIT Vietnam campus
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 6th ASWCE
  • Singapore Management University
  • Singapore
  • 7th ASWCE
  • Institute of Public Collaboration (IPC)
  • Chungju, South Korea

Iberoamerican Seminar on Cultural Economics (SIEC)

  • 1st SIEC
  • National University of Colombia
  • Medellín, Colombia
  • 2nd SIEC
  • Austral University of Chile
  • Valdivia, Chile
  • 3rd SIEC
  • Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • 4th SIEC
  • National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Ciudad de México, México

Become a member

Members of the ACEI will be part of a network of scholars, researchers and practitioners interested in advancing cultural economics.
