Economists Talk Art Submission Guide

Economists Talk Art Submission Guide

Economists Talk Art was founded in 2015 to promote the dissemination of research-based policy analysis and commentary by cultural economists. The intended audiences are governmental cultural policy makers, art advisory councils, cultural and heritage institutions, academia and the private sector, and journalists specializing in art and culture as economics and cultural studies students.

The blog is set up in close collaboration with the Association for Cultural Economics International and is targeted at a wide audience that includes cultural policy makers, arts advisory councils, cultural and heritage institutions, and journalists specializing in art and culture.

If you are interested in helping us to disseminate good cultural economics research to wider audiences, we would hope to receive from you:

– Write an interesting 700-900 words non-technical summary of your published research (that means using a vocabulary your neighbour would understand),
– Include a figure or table in the text,
– Choose an “eye-catching” image,
– Add a ±50-words pitch.

Regarding the image, we appreciate CC-0 licenses but we have also commissioned images for the entries. You are probably familiar with Creative Commons. We like the Wikimedia Commons as a repository where to find usable images. A horizontal format seems to work best.

Click here to download our blogpost template to help you prepare your submission.

Please feel free to read more about the blog here, as well as the posts from previous contributors.

We publish bi-monthly and work on a first come policy for publication. We look forward to receiving your blog proposal. Please send your contribution to our editorial board members at

Trilce Navarrete (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Marie Ballarini (Dauphine University)
Alice Fontana (La Rochelle Universite)